Friday, February 23, 2007

Poetry Journal 3

I carry your heart with me(I carry it in: Personal Response
S: a man in love
O: describing his love and passion for the girls
A: his lover; the person that he loves
P: to express to the person he loves that without her he can not survive
S: a man
TONE: lovely, passion

As I read this poem I think about the love and the passion that one can develop for a person. Love is a strong word that to me has and undefined meaning. When one tells another person “I love you” there can be many meanings and purpose of this phrase. Love is undefined because if love really existed than there would not be any hatred among people. To me love is used to tell a person that they appreciate them for the way they are and the way that they act towards them. In order for love to really exist there must be trust between the lovers and the people who believe to love each other must know each other and trust one another. The trust and passion that one has for one another can be defined by the idea of love.
In this poem the meaning behind the love that the speaker is describing relates to the idea that love is developed when two persons who love each other trust one another and become one meaning. When love is created both lovers are essential for one another and in order for one person to be significant it needs love from the person that they love. In this poem Cummings relates love the idea that love is developed once passion and desire a person is developed. Love can be good and can be harmful to ones personality. It just depends on how one reacts towards love.

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