Friday, February 23, 2007

Poetry Journal 4

The Computation: Literary Critic
S: a man who is sentimental
O: to express his feelings and passion
A: anyone who is willing to accept hi/her errors
P: to give an overview of his death
S: feelings relating to the after life
TONE: depressing

As I read this poem I get a sense of a depressed tone. The speaker is a dead person and is retelling his life story. Now that he is dead he regrets some of the things he did while he lived. It is too late to regret his actions therefore this poem has a sad tone. Some of the poetic verses that are used in this poem are consonance and assonance. The consonance and assonance illustrated in this poem give the poet a chance to illustrate the sadness in his. The poem also includes end rhyme which allows Donne to create a significant beat that gives more meaning to the poem. Each line in his poem seems to end in a word that illustrates sadness for example; die, away, and last. These three words end some verses of the poem, illustrating sadness and loss of something valuable. I believe that Donne did a good job illustrating the meaning of the poem. The depressing and sentimental tone of this poem is easily visible. His use of end rhyme and “old language” also gives the poem a more significant meaning by adding a more sentimental tone. Donne did a good job using poetic devices when possible in order to get his point across.

Poetry Journal 3

It may not always be so; and I say: Contemporary Poet
S: giving up love
O: describing the idea of losing a loved one
A: his lover
P: to illustrate the idea that sometimes humans have to let go of their loved ones for their own good
S: a man in love
TONE: Passionately, love

After reading this poem I am able to comprehend that the speaker can not survive without the women he loves. In the first stanza of the poem the idea that is illustrated is that if the speaker ever sees his lover with another man he will go crazy. However in the second stanza he realizes that he wants his lover to be happy and wants the best for her therefore he is willing to let her go with the man she loves. After reading the poem I decide to respond to this poem with the following poem.

When I say “I love you” I mean
That in you I have found a passion
That in you I have found the love that I need
If ever I was to find you with
Another man
I would lament the fact that I am not with you
However it is my task to love you and make you feel happy
Therefore if your happiness is not with me
I must let you go and unleash the passion which you don’t have for me

Poetry Journal 3

I carry your heart with me(I carry it in: Personal Response
S: a man in love
O: describing his love and passion for the girls
A: his lover; the person that he loves
P: to express to the person he loves that without her he can not survive
S: a man
TONE: lovely, passion

As I read this poem I think about the love and the passion that one can develop for a person. Love is a strong word that to me has and undefined meaning. When one tells another person “I love you” there can be many meanings and purpose of this phrase. Love is undefined because if love really existed than there would not be any hatred among people. To me love is used to tell a person that they appreciate them for the way they are and the way that they act towards them. In order for love to really exist there must be trust between the lovers and the people who believe to love each other must know each other and trust one another. The trust and passion that one has for one another can be defined by the idea of love.
In this poem the meaning behind the love that the speaker is describing relates to the idea that love is developed when two persons who love each other trust one another and become one meaning. When love is created both lovers are essential for one another and in order for one person to be significant it needs love from the person that they love. In this poem Cummings relates love the idea that love is developed once passion and desire a person is developed. Love can be good and can be harmful to ones personality. It just depends on how one reacts towards love.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Poem Journal

Refuge Blues: W. H. Auden Joaquin Magana
Personal Response 1-2-07

S: A refuge
O: During the Holocaust
A: Jewish People
P: To express their reactions towards the way their being treated
S: the cruelty of dictation
Tone: Protesting, Depressing

This poem uses the poetic device perfect rhyme, ballad, and caesura. Auden uses perfect rhyme by rhyming in some of his lines. Auden does not rhyme in every line adding a more meaningful tone to the poem because it is easier to understand and get the point across in every line. Moreover Auden also uses ballad to convey his message in the poem. This poem is written in a song like structure. Auden is narrating a story and at the same time he puts his story into a song. In order to narrate his story Auden uses caesura in order to make sure that he gets all his ideas across to the reader. If Auden did not pause during his narration it would be hard to understand the meaning of his words and his message. As I read this poem I connect it to the lives of all the immigrants that migrate from South America to the United States in search of a better life. Many immigrants who try to come to the United States face many obstacles such as racism and exclusion from society. These two obstacles do not allow immigrants to accomplish their goals just like the Jews in the Holocaust couldn’t accomplish their goals. I also connect the message of this poem to the lives of my parents. My parents are immigrants as well and they had to face many obstacles to accomplish their goals. The incidents of the holocaust will never be forgotten due to the malevolent actions of Hitler.

Poem Journal

We Wear The Mask: Paul Lawrence Dunbar Joaquin
Literary Critique 1-2-07

S: Someone who is trying to hide behind a mask from the malevolent concepts of life
O: During harsh times
A: To all the people who are being torture by the malevolent concepts of life
P: To portray their believes and feelings towards the way life treats them
S: The cruelty of life and effect on humans
Tone: Protesting, Depressing

This poem uses repetition, end rhyme, and end-stopped line. The way in which Paul uses repetition in his poem is that he repeats the phrase “We wear the mask” at the end of each stanzas. By doing this he adds more meaning to his poem because it reminds the reader that the speaker of the poem is depressed and is forced to hide behind a mask. Moreover Paul also uses end-stopped line in this poem at the end of each stanza. At the end of each stanza Paul repeats the phrase “We wear the mask” with different punctuation in both of the times he repeats the phrase at the end of the stanza. Paul ends his poem by repeating the phrase “We wear the mask” except that he ends the poem with an exclamation mark. This punctuation allows Paul to emphasize the idea that the people forced to wear the mask are not happy. Finally Paul also uses end rhyme in his poem. The poem rhymes at the end of each line adding a better tone and meaning to the poem. I believe that Paul London did do a good job conveying his message through this poem. As I read the poem my feelings are depressing and make me think about how cruel life is being to humans. The poem conveys a tone that goes along with the meaning of the poem. The repetition of the phrase “ we wear the mask” keeps reminding the reader that the poem is meant to be depressing therefore the repetition in the poem also allows Paul to portray his meaning of the poem. Paul chose specific poetic devices such as end rhyme, end-stopped line, and repetition because he comprehended that these devices would add a special meaning and tone to the poem.